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(1 - 20 of 24)
Newspaper clipping headlined "Conditional parole," December 6, 1981
Newspaper clipping headlined "Clements Wants End to Early Release of Prisoners," undated
Newspaper clipping headlined "More Paroles Turned Down", May 28, 1976
Newspaper clipping headlined "Governor 'disappointed' parolees linked to death", October 24, 1981
Newspaper clipping headlined "Battle lines", October 15, 1978
Newspaper clipping headlined "Parole proposal passed by panel," January 29, 1981
Newspaper clipping headlined "Board of Paroles finds Clements a tough warden", September 23, 1979
Correspondence between William P. Clements, Jr. and Hal F. Tehan, November 13 - 23, 1987
Newspaper clipping headlined "Governor's Clemency Office Behind in dealing with parole, pardon cases", April 21, 1979
Newspaper clipping headlined "Clements is reviewing 1,200 parole cases," May 15, 1982
Newspaper clipping headlined "White, Clements in war of words over TDC policy," October 24, 1986
Newspaper clipping headlined "House approves more parole board clout for governor", undated
Houston Chronicle clipping headlined "Clements upset with way parole system is working," August 12, 1979
Newspaper clipping headlined "Rights of Ex-Convicts Disputed", August 6, 1976
Newspaper clipping headlined "Clements and prison fiasco," May 19, 1982
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Clements blasts prison director," May 21, 1982
Newspaper clipping headlined "Improving parole machinery," March 4, 1981
Newspaper clipping headlined "Parole review process criticized," October 24, 1979
Newspaper clipping headlined "Clements threatened with suit," April 14, 1980
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Governor's Clemency Office behind in dealing with parole, pardon cases," April 21, 1979