
  • CSV Spreadsheet
(1 - 17 of 17)
Newspaper clipping headlined "Research sheds light on status of illegal aliens in Texas, U.S.," April 7, 1982
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Clements tells of protesting alien arrests," May 21, 1982
Newspaper clipping titled "Clements boosts worker plan", October 6, 1981
Newspaper clipping headlined "Texas Governor Breaks Ranks on Reagan Immigration Policy," August 30, 1981
Newspaper clipping headlined, "High court affirms alien school rights," June 6, 1982
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Texas to sue U.S. for funds to teach aliens," July 23, 1980
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Ex-chief recalls bracero 'slavery,'" April 30, 1980
Newspaper clipping headlined "Clements blasts reported plan to relocate refugees in E. Texas," January 10, 1981, with other clippings
Newspaper clipping headlined "Clements favors action, not talk," April 29, 1980
Newspaper clipping headlined, "U.S. will leave alien tuition to courts," September 9, 1981
Newspaper clipping, September 13, 1978
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Governor Clements proved a good listener," April 24, 1980
Newspaper clipping titled "Clements says US should pay for aliens," June 25, 1982
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Governor taunted by pickets," September 9, 1979
Newspaper clipping headlined "Texas Governor Breaks Ranks on Reagan Immigration Policy," August 30, 1981
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Idea's time has returned," with cartoon
Newspaper clipping headlined, "Union Leader blasts Clements' immigration stand," September 19, 1981